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Showing posts from June, 2010

The Nigerian Game

Football, football it seems that almost everybody loves football, well in Nigeria at least. We do not take it to the extreme as in the UK, where it seems to have replaced the main religion. Instead of people going to churches on Sunday, they go to the stadiums. The population attending church has decreased while the stadium attendance has increased over the years on a Sunday. Empty Churches The number of church pews were becoming empty while the seats in the stadium were become filled. While the churches (non-pentecostal) are filled with a mainly female audience, with the average age being the late 60s. The stadiums have a mainly male attendance who are young and active who proudly wear their clubs colours. They fight, sing, shout for their clubs and some in a few instances kill. Filled Stadium As in everything else, there are those who take it to an extreme i.e. marry in the soccer stadium. They name their babies after key players and famous coaches.