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Showing posts from April, 2018

Is Nigeria ready for restructuring?

I understand that a lot of Nigerians, believe the that the country was doing better  when it was practicing regionalism and we should go back to it under restructuring. Some people do have a form of nostalgia for the regions, since we believed that our major infrastructure was built during this period. I do believe that that might be so, but also there were problems in these quasi-autonomous entities.  There was the issue of the minorities in each region and what to some seem like healthy rivalry. But it was not healthy and what lay underneath was deep-rooted suspicions, envy and jealously. Which could easily have been exploited and manipulated for political gain, as evident from the riots later, the coup and subsequently the civil war. The coalition ruling party (Northern and Eastern regions) were able to divide legally Western Region into Western and Mid-West Regions, after a referendum.  This could be said of all the regions, i.e. that they all had minorities who were just begging

My Back is NOT killing me!

I am about 6 feet 3 inches; hence I regard myself as being a tall person. Being tall means I have a longer spine and hence, among other factors making me more prone to back problems. Since, I started working as an IT Consultant I had been actively swimming and running. Also doing Swimathons and 10K running, believing since I was exercising, and strengthening my back muscles that I was reducing the incidence of lower back pain. To tell you the truth, it did work, I was becoming fitter and fitter, I never developed back problems when I was actively going to the gym. The problems did start when I was bed bound and unable to exercise. Then, it would seem that the back pain came back with a vengeance. Part of my recovery would be doing back exercises initially non-weight bearing, swimming, cycling, etc then graduate to running. Recently, I decided that I would no longer sit down at my desk at home, and work standing up. I put a tea table on top of my desk at home and brought some b