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Showing posts from October, 2016

The issue of counting Nigeria’s Population Part 1

The Nigerian population issue has been on the back of our society for a long time. Recently the Nigerian House of Assembly talked about having another census in 2018. According to the assembly, it was supposed to take place every 10 years, and the planning for it will be 2 years. By the time the British left in 1960, they made it such that no single tribe or region could rule Nigeria on its own. It was felt that the British created a scenario which means that none of the 3 major tribes could rule on their own - hence all of the major tribes had to co-operate or at least 2 of the 3. Since the regions voted along tribal lines, each of main tribes was represented by a party; Northern Region - Northern People's Congress (NPC), Eastern Region - The National Council of Nigerian Citizens (NCNC) and the Western Region - Action Group (AG). There always had to be a coalition between 2 regions out of the 3 regions to form a government. There was the issue of minorities being in each

What do doctors wish patients knew?

I do not know whether most doctors would want their patients to know this (as it may put them out of their jobs), but this is a scientific fact. That prevention is better than cure, and living a healthy lifestyle will go a long way in preventing many diseases. More money should be spent on primary health care than on the other branches of medicine. That vaccinations are outstanding (as they prevent many childhood diseases that killed or caused severe damage to many children before), and there is no current scientific evidence that they are related to autism. Patients should always come for all their appointments and finish their entire course of treatment. However, they might feel, e.g., especially with Antibiotics. They should restrict the amount of red meat, increase the amount of vegetables and fruits, and increase the water intake. Reduce the amount of sugar, processed food, artificial colouring, etc. Reduce the amount of alcohol and avoid recreational drugs altogether. Neve