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Showing posts from January, 2017

Science, religion, and Trump

I have at times found myself questioning my religious faith. Unlike some, it has not always been solid and firm as a rock. But like Saint Peter, Thomas, James, etc. especially during their early days, it has its ups and downs. Especially when going through challenges in life, like young people close to me dying, seeing evil people prosper, good people suffer, seeing injustice and on a massive scale, etc. But I am rest assured that things will work out in the end and from personal experience, things have worked out in the end and kind of justify my faith. And become like the Bereans in the book of Acts searching the scriptures, in some cases using the Amplified Bible as to fully understand what I was reading. Fighting sometimes with whether the Bible is talking literally or metaphorically, but that is another topic (e.g. Joshua 10:3 - “ And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed”, as what is known today that the earth’s rotation stopped temporary - as the sun and moon in rel