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Showing posts from August, 2016

Rio 2016

The Olympics allow every 4 years, countries of the world to come together and play. The Olympic recognizes 206 countries, allowing Palestine, Taiwan(Chinese Taipei), Kosovo, Hong Kong, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, etc. and Refugee Olympic Team, allowing athletes not to be normally represented to have a voice. From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, the nation’s came displaying their flags, officials, and athletes. This years' Olympics took place in Rio Janeiro, Brazil. Despite all the negative news of uncompleted venues, high crime rate, Zaka virus, drugs ban for the Russians etc. as so far, this event has proved to be a wonderful experience. The United States swept the board. They had more medals than up to 180 Countries combined. I looked at the highlights at the end of every day, from Archery to Wrestling, and I noticed that the developed nations had more medals than the developing countries. But as all of most things, it is more complex than further data analysis indi