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Showing posts from May, 2022

Government is the solution

  Ronald Regan, the 40th President, famously said that government is not the solution but the problem. He also is known for famously saying at a press conference on August 12th, 1986, " The nine most terrifying words in the English language are 'I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.' ". He is a Republican, and the Republicans believe in small government and low taxes. Some people believe this because there is a racist element to it, and the well off, rich or white population are not happy seeing their tax money being spent on helping or "wasted on" the poor black population. Regan painted the picture of welfare queens and black single mothers being a drain on society and not contributing to its progress. This has has proven to be a myth. It turns out that the white population in the US uses welfare and government handouts more than the minorities. Then not to think about Government bailouts and loans to the Banks and subsidises to various i