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Showing posts from August, 2021

Man's History

  According to this book by Yuval Noah Harari, Homo Sapiens (modern man) is only about 200, 000 years old and originated in East Africa. It is not biblical but purely scientific, mainly archaeological, geological, and anthropological. In this explanation, he believes that  70,000 years ago, Homo Sapiens emerged out of Africa. Sixteen thousand (16,000) years ago, Homo Sapiens settled in America, hunting most American large animals to extinction, Australia and where every they settled, Homo Sapiens caused the extinction of other species.  By 12,000 years ago, domestication of plants and animals started, leading to the first permanent human settlement - The agricultural revolution. Then about 5,000 years ago, the first kingdoms, scripts and money started. The next important dates were about 500 years ago was the Renaissance in Europe that man admits his ignorance and looks to science. Then 200 years ago was the Industrial revolution placed Europe above the rest of the world. Prof Harari

How not to be proud

  This is an excellent book for anyone who has faced a crisis or is planning to do anything with their life. It helps redirect the attention away from you and helps you look at the bigger picture, vision, or goal in life. This is one of the books I wish I had when going through the darkest periods of my personal life when I believed all hope was lost. It is not a positive spirit uplifting or elevating book, but rather a more practical, level-headed, pragmatic book. It helps you face your future with determination and refocus, and it helps you with examples of successes and failures to convince you that it is not all about you. This book starts with a coat from Rainer Maria Rilke , an Austrian poet and novelist, which seems to set the book's general tone.  "Do not believe that he who seeks to comfort you lives untroubled among the simple and quiet words that sometimes do you good. His life has much difficulty and sadness and remains far behind yours. Were it otherwise, he would