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Showing posts from March, 2016

Life Style Changes

I was listening to the news this morning, as apart from the recent terror attack that occurred in Brussels, Belgium. There was the issue of £7 million set aside for the prevention of Type 2 Diabetes in England. My heart filled with joy as we all know that “Prevention is better than cure”. It is an issue of spending a small amount in prevention or a big amount in treatment. Although I suspect some “specialist in diabetic therapy” doctor may not be so happy. “The cost of the programme is £7m this year - but that is being set against the £10bn annual spend on diabetes care”. I always thought that if we use the facilities available to us i.e. social services, health advisors which specialise in diets and good life style. There would be a less of a burden on the NHS and their specialist doctor and nurses. It is said that 500 persons per day are told they are diabetic and Type 2 Diabetes unlike Type 1 could be prevented by life style changes. The number of people at risk has

Why do so many people praise Bernie Sanders' policies? Don’t they know about the bad track record of socialism?

Bernie Sanders If you are looking at the former Soviet Union, their Eastern European allies, Cuba, Vietnam and North Korea you will get the impression that socialism although good on paper it is difficult to run. But the Northern European Nordics countries Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. Seem to be doing quite well. According to The Economist, “The Nordics cluster at the top of league tables of everything from economic competitiveness to social health to happiness”. They have avoided the problems of Southern Europe especially after the credit crisis and the US extreme inequality. There is free health and education and although they pay more tax, “a Swede pays tax more willingly than a Californian because he gets decent schools and free health care”. These are the countries that  Bernie  is looking at, although there is less government involvement in saving failing companies. The government is focused on long term goals than short term gains. They are also focused on

Nigerian Civil War

I have just finished reading a book by General Alabi-Isama about the Nigerian civil war it was described as an “On-the-stop account of the Nigeria-Biafra War in the Atlantic Theatre”. This is unusual to me, and it seems a unique book as it has five people writing forwards, Sulu Gambari Emir of Ilorin, General Adeyinka Adebayo (a general in the Nigeria Army), Dr Nowamagbe A. Omoigui (a Nigerian military historian and medical doctor), General Dr Yakubu Jack Gowon (Former Head of State in Nigeria, and Head of state during the conflict), and a General of the Biafran Army. Who indicated it “may well be the first truly military account of the Nigeria Civil War to come from the Nigerian side”. He said that the account of the Mid-Western offence was incomplete since the author did not have access to Biafran Army information and it more of the sideshow than the main event. The invasion of the Mid-West was by “scantily armed militiamen” and a personal crusade of Col Victor Banjo, unknown to