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Showing posts from March, 2019

There is nothing like a free lunch - 23 things they don't tell you about Capitalism

The book I have brought this book some time ago, I guess about 6 years ago, it has been lying in my library collecting dust for a long time. I had brought it when working actively in the financial sector after somebody referred to it as part of our discussion. With more time on my hands and after going through Trump and his free market principles, I decided to listen to the real experts. I subsequently brought the audio version as this allowed me to read it while travelling or just standing still. Over the years it has become obvious to almost all, except for the hardened free-marketeers (or neo-liberal economists) that "trickle down economics" does not work.  Reaganomics   (" widespread tax cuts especial for the rich, decreased social spending usually on welfare, increased military spending and the  deregulation  of domestic markets")  just does not cut it, and forcing it on the rest of the world will be disastrous. Markets do need government involvement

The Dick Cheney Biography - VICE

I had just finished watching this film although it likes to paint itself as a comedy kind of. But it is deadly serious and doubts that was the intention of Adam McKay who wrote and directed it. It has dead serious undertones, and if you follow politics from the side. You will find it hard to ignore  Vice starts with a disclaimer. " The following is a true story. Or as true as it can be given that Dick Cheney is known as one of the most secretive leaders in history. But we did our f**king best. " The first scene in the film was a drunk younger Dick Cheney being arrested in 1963, by the side of the road. It turns out that his wife gave him an ultimatum to improve his life, and he did. " Beware the quiet man. For a while, others speak, he watches. And while others act, he plans. And when they finally rest .... he strikes. Anonymous " There was a scene on 9/11 where Dick Cheney was in the Emergency Operations Center. In that room, there was "con