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Showing posts from December, 2019

When Natural isn't really natural

Many people believe that we are now living in an artificial construct and, as a result, will self-destruct. But for more than a millennium, humans have been modifying our food, environment, and animals to suit their desires. So let's start with the most simple food. We have been growing wheat and beans for more than a thousand years. But the ancestor of these were just weeds. From selective breeding, advanced agricultural science, and later gene manipulation, we have produced a nutritious grain from a weed. Farming has meant that man can now live in cities, and industrial farming means that a vast portion of the population will not be involved in food production. Then we talk about apples, pears, mangoes, and grapes. All have been affected by man, they have been selected, and that variety with bigger yields has been selected, hence numerous varieties of apples, grapes,  pears, etc. Some people have an idealistic view of farmers planting and growing a particular plant or crop. But