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Showing posts from October, 2014

Ebola - Biological Weapon?

  I was just in the gym this morning (Thursday, 9th of October, 2014). A group of guys in the male’s bathroom stated that Ebola did not originate in Africa but created by the USA in a laboratory to wipe out the black population. And that this is a test run, and why did they ‘suddenly’ come up with a drug that ‘cured’ the white guys infected.  They pointed to the fact that the US has already got a patent for the drug since 2008 ( .) All I could tell them was that I knew about the Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers for about 30 years, and there were recorded incidents in the 1960s, and this could be traced back to the 1920s. Most doctors know about these already – most of the time, it mentions in their footnotes (but you have to be ready to treat a case and diagnose one). The reason why the majority of the population have not heard of them is that until now they have been affecting mainly rural areas deep in the Afr