This book gives a contrary narrative to the general belief that man moved gradually but progressively from hunter-gather to a more regular, nourished and having a constant food supply of farming and animal husbandry. The author deliberately intended to be as provocative and outrageous as possible, to stimulate thought and discussions. One of his suggestions that man has become weaker and stupider as we herded ourselves in towns and cities. This book says also states that the move from hunter-gather was not as straight forward, that there instances that man moved back to hunter-gathering from farming, and that in some cases that hunter-gathering was more nutritious and used fewer calories than farming and produced better returns and people who were hunter-gathers were more healthy than individuals who were living a sedentary lifestyle. He also noted surprisingly only three grains wheat, rice, and maize produce more than half of our daily calorie intake and these take a lot of our en...