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The Red Pill

In the film "The Matrix", there is a scene where a young computer hacker Neo (Keanu Reeves) is with the leader of the resistance called Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne). The hero, Neo was made to face the reality of his situation, that he has been living in an artificial virtual construct designed by the machines to keep his mind occupied, while his body is used to generate energy and that he is a slave being used by the machines.  And if he wanted to see the "real world" and be "free", he would have to swallow a red pill, the red pill in a manner of speaking will open his eyes or the scales will drop off from his eyes, liberate his mind, take his own destiny in his own hands and he will be in the real world. Or take the blue pill and remain in blissful ignorance, dream land, controlled by machines and remain as a slave as it were, as a biological battery. He was given the choice between the red pill and a blue pill

A new Matrix movie is coming and Twitter is bending the spoon with ...

Morpheus: "This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill — the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill — you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."

There is a documentary called "The Red Pill" by Cassie Jate, who is a former feminist and film director. The analogy of the red pill and blue pill in The Matrix to show reality and blissful ignorance. The women's movements are said to see men as the oppressors, that we are in a patriarchal world, set to benefit men. In which men invented the rules to benefit men at the expense of women. She is now believed to have swallowed the red pill and seen that it is men who are actually disadvantaged and the notion that men were advantaged is just to fulfil an artificial agenda, which is being pushed by the far left and now accepted by the mainstream media. When you ask the right questions and do the research the figures just do not add up, especially in the last 50 years. 

Where 4 out of 5 suicides are males, although women attempt more times than men. Men constitute a higher portion of the unemployed and homeless. Family Court System is biased against men and women get custody in more than 80% of the cases and at each stage of unwanted pregnancy, the woman has the upper hand. There are more than 68% male prisoners in the US than females and males spend longer time in prison for the same crime, the sentencing disparity between men and women is 6 times larger than between black and whites. Males are the most college dropouts hence leaving only 38% of the students who are males college students to complete. Of workplace fatalities, 93% are males, with the males holding the most dangerous jobs. Then male health issues, males are less likely to see a doctor, less likely to have health insurance. Men constitute the most war deaths, being pushed to the front line. Males are most likely to be arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned. Women live longer than men using all indicators every. Breast cancer and Prostrate cancer are said to have the same mortality rates but there are more support and research, and funding for breast cancer than prostate cancer. Society treats men as they are disposable and women as they should be protected.

Petition · HOYTS Cinema : Support "The Red Pill" screenings ...

Karen Straughan is a female, Men's Right Activist, but rather sees herself as an anti-feminist and also is a honey badger, and believes that feminism is a comfortable blanket and it does not make people see thinks what is in front of their face. She told the story of Boko Haram in Nigeria, they are against all Western Education, for both sexes not just girls. But it has been framed, that they do not want the girls to be educated. Initially, when they were attacking schools, they released the girls and told them to go home, renounce their sins, live a righteous life under Allah, and get married, and then burnt the boys alive, this was barely reported on. But when they took girls the saw that they could be used as bargaining chips, as it was then the world took notice, there are terrorist and it was what they wanted, if they were boys they would be dead already.

It has been the postulated that the feminist has spent the last 50 years demonizing men, saying that they are violent, predatory, oppressive and inherently bad. They have postulated that masculinity is a disease. That being a man is a privilege and whatever they go through does not matter. But they're not enough female coal miners, truck drivers, ditch diggers, electrical power-line installers, steel workers, Roofers, fishermen, Loggers, or garbage collectors and if they were really fighting for equality they would be fighting for these dangerous jobs as well.

She spent about a year with the Men's Right Activist (MRA), feeling they would confirm her biased against them as misogynistic and entitled. But instead, she began to support them and saw the issues they were concern about Paternity Fraud, Visitation rights, child support, custody battle, pregnancy entrapment, abortion, wrongful paternity, domestic violence, etc.

Feminism is fighting just for the special privileges of the females and fighting tooth and nail against any benefits for the males. Like DNA testing at birth or moves against Paternity fraud.

It might also be that women are finding a role for themselves, as technology and services are making their role more woman obsolete or redefining it,  including sexual gratification, some men feel unnecessary burden by the whims and "feelings" of the opposite sex and decided to go alone (MGTOW). But others see it as a pendulum shift and it has moved to the left, and with time it will balance to the center when more sane minds have taken hold.


  1. There is another film "Y last man standing", although this film shows total collapse of the society and a dystopia apoplectic view if men will die.

    I do not believe that, after initial difficulties the females will adapt. I do not believe in the view that men are the problem and after getting rid of them will produce end of world wars and bring world peace and solutions to all our problems


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