I recently came from Nigeria, and the word on everybody's lips; well, almost everybody I had spoken to was when "we", I mean those from Ibadan environs, would have a state of our own. It seemed that the issue of "why" had long been decided, and people were acting on "when". People have seen the "progress" in Oshogbo with the "newly" created Osun state. The new buildings, the increase in the number of jobs, and other infrastructure, and if it is felt that we should have our own state. People were talking about the Ibadan - Lagos express. We have seen the rate of development in Lagos already. It seems each day numerous houses are being opened or built. My father, before he died, was a keen supporter of our own state, and since I did not have much experience of the political setting in Oyo state, I decided to listen and ask questions. It is said that we in Ibadan have greater populations than some whole states, Ibadan ...